Deck Overlay System
(Stampable Overlay)
Use our deck coat overlay (Also referred to as Stampable Overlay) to protect and beautify a variety of concrete surfaces. There are a variety of stencil patterns available.

Deck coat overlay can be used with other products to create stone patterns or brick.

Deck coat overlay can be used to create brick patterns.
Deck Coat Overlay System: Basic Tips
- Always use a bonding agent prior to application of deck overlay materials.
- Temperature affects set time and window of workability.
- When stamping, surface should offer some resistance, but not be hard.
Always honor control joints.
- We recommend pulling the stamps up by the corners and not the handles, as this will release any suction.
- The size of the area being worked depends upon how many workers you have.
- The depth of the texturing stamp should not exceed the depth of the flocrete material.
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