Epoxy Coatings
As you may have noticed, McKinnon Materials offers a wide range of concrete floor coatings and epoxy coatings.
Below is a description of two specialty epoxy coatings:
- Vertical epoxy is a custom mix of epoxy coatings and a thickening agent which when combined yields a highly viscous product. This product when mixed with rock will allow the mixture to adhere to a vertical surface without the assistance of any other external support. This is especially useful when installing River Rock on steps.
- EZ Coat is an all purpose, high viscosity epoxy coating for wood and concrete counter tops, tabletops, bar tops and similar applications. Reflect your own personal tastes by embedding mementos such as coins, photos or other memorabilia. Some have incorporated menus, baseball cards, photos, seashells, rope, coins, medallions, straw, fabrics and a variety of items in the resin to create unique surfaces and conversation pieces. Click here for instructions on how to use along with troublshooting techniques. Note: This epoxy has a 1 to 1 mix ratio.

Vertical epoxy coating used on steps

E-Z COAT was used on the bar top below.
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